Stock photography is bad

Stock photography can be a quick and effective way to communicate. However, often stock photography can damage or undercut your brand.

Not adding value

The imagery on your website should add value to the reader. It shouldn't be just to fill space. When you use stock photography, it can be obvious that you're just trying to fill space.

It's corner-cutting

Using stock photography is a sign that your organisation/brand is willing to "cut corners". If you are in a professional services industry it immediately gives the wrong impression.

Unfortunately this is where its most commonly used business consultants, lawyers, real estate agents, architects & accountancy firms.

Lacks authenticity

When you're using somebody else's photography, it can be difficult to make it look like it belongs on your website. It can look inauthentic and fake, which is the last thing you want for your brand.


If you have use stock photos, make sure it’s on brand and not overused. If you've seen the image before, especially on a competitor/industry websites - it is best to pick a different image.

About Fraser Clark

I've been a professional developer for over 10 years. I've been consulting and developing websites & software for small businesses, multi-nationals & governments.

I'm an expert in WordPress, Drupal, Laravel & a whole host of other platforms.

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